Your certified career guide to

releasing your true potential & discovering your next role…

Once upon a time…

The story of my career journey seemed disjointed, interrupted by time gaps, disconnected experiences, and just reflecting life in general. At times, I allowed others to fill in the blanks, generously borrow ideas, snatch lines I wrote, diminish my voice, and even co-opt my professional narrative. It took many years of starts, stops, and pivots before I finally found my thing -

I’m a connector of people, ideas, and resources. 

Today, I clearly see the thread in my story which was there all along. Now, I’m living my purpose by helping others discover their thing using my heart and mind to coach and consult, and expertly guide through important career transitions during each life stage. Why live life in the margins when you can take center stage? 

Everyone loves a good comeback story.

If you are inspired by the following quote, we will be great thought partners in rescripting your career through retrospection, introspection, and prospection. Whether creatively generating act one, energetically navigating the middle plot, or intentionally planning your encore.

“Make your mark to leave this world better than you found it.”

- Ruth Gotian

Agnes Trinh Mackintosh

My Backstory

As a certified professional coach and a UPenn alum with an MPH from Emory, I have over 20 years of diverse experiences (a.k.a. mini-careers) coaching, mentoring, designing & developing programs, launching two small businesses, and raising a wonderful family.  I’ve worked with 600+ clients from entry-level to encore careers in higher education, healthcare, and “everything, everywhere, all at once,” and in-between. My coaching approach is fun, empowering, insightful, and informative; we’ll strategize starting from where you are and focus on getting you where you want to be. 

The Em Ngo Scholarship

My Wish

Through my business, it’s my intention to be a social entrepreneur and give back by paying it forward. Annually, 15% of my earnings through Career Rescripted LLC, will go towards developing a mini mentorship program and scholarship in memory of my mother, Em Ngo, who passed when I was 7, having only lived in the US for 5 years after relocating as a refugee from war-torn Vietnam in 1975. Early in my career, I was lucky to have a transformative experience partnering with Save the Children in Vietnam for my master’s thesis work studying health and nutrition. This would not have been possible without a travel scholarship. My findings from this pivotal career trip led to a USAID 1M grant for subsequent research and were later referenced in a chapter called “Find the Bright Spots” in a NYT best-selling business change management book Switch by the Heath brothers. Now it’s my turn to fund, mentor, and support immersive experiential experiences for emerging young adults who could not otherwise afford taking a pause from work to do so. One caveat is proposed, each scholarship recipient will be encouraged to contribute back to the scholarship fund, if and whenever possible, so we can collectively continue to connect people, ideas, and resources.